Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Spirituality and Humanity

Spirit is in existent, difference between animate and inanimate beings. With evolved higher intelligence, human beings are spiritual. Spirituality nexus with Religion-Mythological and Theological is ignorance. Vedanta teaches, arise, awaken to the Spirit, lower and higher to end the ignorance, gain knowledge, upliftment and enrichment in living as human being. Spirit, lower is individuation, Self, Atman and Spirit, higher is transcendence, Self in unity with Universal Self, Paramatman. Thus spirit of human beings are at first personal on realization and on attainment,

If u have love in ur heart and are a little aware, u cant really hurt others. If you are too worried about other's sensitivities u cannot be true, because truth hurts many. Ego is very touchy, it is always waiting to be scratched..so dont worry too much on that count (smile). There is no doubt Humanity comes first, that is the foundation. Just like Body comes before spirit. Without a body there is no spiritual journey.